Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Southampton, UK: MRes in wildlife conservation PDF Tisk Email

Applications are currently open for the University of Southampton's
MRes in Wildlife Conservation, run on collaboration with conservation
organisation Marwell Wildlife, making it a unique programme.

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Wuerzburg: Postdoc in animal ecology PDF Tisk Email

“Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes”

We offer a Research Scientist (Postdoc) position at the Department for Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Germany for three years with possible extension for further three years.

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La Rochelle, France: PhD, phylogenetics and phylogeography in seabirds PDF Tisk Email

doctoral position is available in our labs to work on the
phylogenetics and phylogeography of petrels. A description of
the project with information on how to apply is available at

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Plymouth, UK: PhD, evol of trade-offs in mating behaviour and physiology PDF Tisk Email

"The evolution of trade-offs in mating behaviour and physiology"
University of Plymouth, UK
School of Biological Sciences
Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship, fully funded
for EU/UK students.
The studentship will start on October 1st 2015.

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Groningen, The Netherlands: MSc, behav. ecol, Seychelles warblers PDF Tisk Email

Behavioural ecology of Seychelles warblers Acrocephalus sechellensis

Scientific background: The Cousin Island population of Seychelles warblers
has been the centre of a long-term longitudinal study for over twenty years
and is currently being used to answer questions relating to ageing,
immunity and the evolution of social behaviour.

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