Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Basel, Switzerland: PhD to study the early phases of adaptive divergence in East African cichlid fis PDF Tisk Email
A PhD position is available in the group of Walter Salzburger at the
Zoological Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland.
The aim of the project is to study the early phases of adaptive divergence
in East African cichlid fish. 
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South Africa: Research Assistant in Blood Glucose in African Striped Mice PDF Tisk Email

Blood Glucose Levels and Cognition in free Ranging African Striped Mice

Paid Research Assistant Position (1 year)

or Two Unpaid Master Project Positions (each 6 months) 

What we are looking for: An extremely motivated and independent biology student who joins the striped mouse project for approximately one year from December 2014/Jan 2015 until the end of 2015 as a research assistant.

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Wales, UK: PhD Aquatic ecosystems integrating ecology PDF Tisk Email
Funding is available for a PhD studentship at Aberystwyth University,
Wales, UK. My lab uses aquatic ecosystems to address questions spanning
the sub-disciplines of ecology. Evolutionary topics include sexual
selection, lek mating systems, adaptive radiation and sexual size
dimorphism. Visit our lab website for information on current research
topics: http://www.kyleayoung.com/
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Leipzig: Postdoc on domestication effects on biting performance in rats PDF Tisk Email
Max Planck Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and Anthropology, 
Leipzig, Germany
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St Andrews, UK: PhD in theory of social adaptation PDF Tisk Email
School of Biology
University of St Andrews
St Andrews, UK
PhD studentship: Theory of social adaptation
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