Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Úvodní stránka
Stockholm, Sweden: Associate Professor in Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecology PDF Tisk Email
Associate Professor in Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecology at the Department 
of Zoology Stockholm University.
Reference number SU FV-3325-14. Deadline for application: February 16, 
Swedish “universitetslektor”; tenured position approximately equivalent 
to Senior Lecturer (UK) or Associate Professor (US).
The department consists of five divisions: Ecology, Ethology, Functional 
Morphology, Population Genetics, and Systematics and Evolution.
announced position will be part of the Division of Ecology where 
currently 10 teachers/researchers, 10 post-doctorial fellows and 18 PhD 
students are active. The Department of Zoology has in total 45-50 
teachers/researchers and 45-50 PhD students. There is a long-standing 
tradition for researchers at the division of Ecology to collaborate with 
researchers from other fields, mostly at the other divisions at the 
Department, but also at other universities in Sweden and abroad.
Main tasks: Research and supervision. Teaching, primarily Ecology and 
Conservation Ecology.
Required qualifications: In order to qualify for employment as associate 
professor, the applicant must have demonstrated good teaching skills and 
have a doctoral degree, or equivalent research expertise, of relevance 
to the subject area and the main responsibilities of the position. All 
teaching positions at Stockholm University require the ability to 
collaborate and the general ability and suitability to perform one’s duties.
Assessment criteria: In the appointment process special consideration 
will be given to scientific and teaching proficiency, which will be 
weighted equally. Assessment of scientific proficiency will primarily 
focus on merits within the subject area of the position.
When merits are judged similar according to the general criteria, the 
following will be distinguishing:
• Documented teaching proficiency regarding teaching in Ecology and 
Conservation Ecology.
Teaching and learning theory: Completed training in teaching and 
learning in higher education, or equivalent knowledge, is an advantage. 
An applicant who has not completed at least 7.5 credits of teaching and 
learning in higher education and is not considered to have otherwise 
acquired equivalent knowledge should undergo such training within the 
first two years of employment.
Additional information: Female applicants are particularly welcome, as 
most associate professors at the department are men.
The language of instruction in first-cycle courses and programmes is 
Swedish. If the successful candidate does not speak Swedish at the time 
of appointment, he/she is expected to acquire the necessary language 
skills during the first two years of employment.
Administrative coordinator Katarina Gustafsson, telephone +46 (0) 8 16 
2292, e-mail 
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  will provide further information 
about the application and appointment procedure if required.
Trade union representatives: Anqi Lindblom-Ahlm, (SACO), Lisbeth 
Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST), telephone +46 (0)8 16 20 00 (switchboard) 
and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO) +46 (0) 70 316 43 41.
In order to apply for this position please use the Stockholm University 
web-based application form. It is the responsibility of the applicant to 
ensure that the application follows the template and that it is 
submitted before application deadline. We appreciate if your application 
is written in English since it will be reviewed by international 
experts, English being the working language.
Further information about the position can be obtained from professor 
Anders Angerbjörn, e-mail: 
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  , telephone 
+46 (0) 8 16 4035.
Stockholm University: www.su.se/english
Department of Zoology: www.zoologi.su.se/en/
Faculty of Science: www.science.su.se/english (Rules & regulations, 
Guidelines for employment & recruitment)
Anders Angerbjörn
Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden
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