Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Konečná Martina, Ph.D. PDF Tisk Email

Odborné články


Kuběnová, B.,Konečná, M., Majolo, B.,Šmilauer, P., Ostner, J., Schülke, O. (2016) Triadic awareness predicts partner choice in male-infant-male interactions in Barbary macaques. submitted to Animal Cognition


Konečná, M., Urlacher, S. S. (2015) Effect of chewing betel nut (Areca catechu) on salivary cortisol measurement. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158:151-154.

Roubová, V., Konečná, M., Šmilauer, P., Wallner, B. (2015) Who to groom and for what? Patterns of grooming in female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117298. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117298


Ellison, P.T., Reiches, M.W., Shattuck-Faegre, H., Breakey, A., Konečná, M., Urlacher, S. & Wobber, V. (2012) Puberty as a life history transition. Annals of Human Biology, 39,352-360. 

Konečná, M., Weiss, A., Lhota, S. & Wallner, B. (2012) Personality in Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus): Temporal Stability and Social Rank. Journal of Research in Personality, 46,581-590. 

Klapilová K, Konečná, M., Weiss P, Havlíček J. (2012) Vliv orální hormonální antikoncepce na ženskou sexualitu v evoluční perspektivě: review. [with English summary,  The influence of oral hormonal contraceptive use on female sexuality in the evolutionary perspective: a review] Česká a Slovenská psychiatrie, 108(1):  14–21.


Grant, V.J., Konečná, M., Sonnweber, R., Irwin, R.J. & Wallner, B. (2011)  Macaque mothers’ pre-conception testosterone levels relate to dominance and to sex of offspring. Animal Behaviour, 82, 893-899.

Janda, M. & Konečná, M. (2011) Canopy assemblages of ants in a New Guinea rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 27, 83-91.


Havlíček, J. & Konečná, M. (2010) Čím se lišíme a co máme společné? Lidská sexualita v evoluční perspektivě. [with English summary,  What do we have in common and what not? Human sexuality in the evolutionary perspective.] Antropowebzin 2, 73-77.


- Konečná, M., Lhota, S., Weiss, A., Urbánek, T., Adamová, T. & Pluháček, J. (2008) Personality in free-ranging Hanuman langur (Semnopithecus entellus) males: Subjective ratings and recorded behavior. Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol. 122, 4, 379–389.

Populární články


- Konečná, M.: Imaginární tygři. Vesmír 86, 571, 2007/9

- Konečná, M.: Kudy vede cesta pro asijské lvy? Vesmír 86, 562, 2007/9


- Robovský J., Konečná, M.: Není tahr jako tahr. Vesmír 85, 473, 2006/8

Abstrakty z konferencí


Konečná M., Roubová V.,Weiss A. (2014) Personality and social relationships. Contribution to the symposium "Personality in comparative perspective". Convenors: Alex Weiss & Martina Konecna. Abstracts of VII European conference on behavioral biology.


- Konečná M., Wallner B., Roubová V.(2008) Relationship between social hierarchy and cortisol levels in Barbary macaques. [Vztah sociální hierarchie a hladiny kortisolu a testosteronu u makaků magotů (Macaca sylvanus)]. Abstracts of 38th Meeting of Czech and Slovak Ethological Society (in Czech)

- Konečná M., Weiss A., Lhota S. (2008): Relationship between questionnaire rating and recorded behavior in personality study of Hanuman langur males. Contribution to the symposium "How do we know that primate personality is real and useful?". Convenors: Alex Weiss & Martina Konecna. 22nd Congress of the International Primatological Society, Primate Eye, 96, pp.112-113


- Konečná M., Urbánek T., Lhota S. (2006): Does recorded behaviour support trait ratings of observers in free-living male Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus)? Primate Society of Great Britain Spring Meeting, Primate Eye 89. pp: 7-8


- Konečná M., Urbánek T., Lhota S. (2004): How do we see them? Personality assessment based on questionnaires in free-living male Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus)[ Jak je vidíme? Hodnocení osobnosti prostřednictvím dotazníků u volně žijících hulmanů posvátných (Semnopithecus entellus)]. Abstracts of 31st Meeting of Czech and Slovak Ethological Society (in Czech)


- Konečná, M., Urbánek, T., Pluháček, J., Adamová T., Abonyi O., & Lhota S (2003): The Personality assessment of the free living Hanuman Langurs (Semnopithecus entellus): preliminary results. Abstracts of ASAB Summer Meeting

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