Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Bergen, Norway: Two research positions in evol ecol PDF Tisk Email

1. Researcher in evolutionary ecology: Bergen, Norway

The Department of Biology (BIO) (www.uib.no/bio/en) has from 1 September 2015 a vacancy for a four-year position as a researcher within the field of evolutionary ecology. The position is funded by the FRIMEDBIO-programme from the Norwegian Research Council and is affiliated to the Theoretical Ecology Group (www.bio.uib.no/te), which also is part of the Hjort Centre for marine ecosystem dynamics (www.hjortcentre.no).

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Leuven, Belgium: PhD, animal welfare PDF Tisk Email

Development of a health and welfare monitor for pigs and poultry based on sound analysis: Leuven, Belgium

Occupation: Full-time
Period: Fixed-term contract
Place: Leuven
Apply no later than: April 10, 2015

For the Division M3-BIORES: Measure, Model & Manage Bioresponses we are looking for a 18 months research position in a project with a clear intention to complete a PhD at the KU Leuven within four years.

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Aberdeen, UK: PhD, niche evolution in insects PDF Tisk Email
Title: Niche Evolution in wild or lab-reared insects (U. of Aberdeen, UK)
I am seeking talented and motivated PhD students to investigate
evolutionary causes and consequences of ecological niche divergence
during adaptive radiations, range shifts, or in response to anthropogenic
habitat modification.
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Lund, Sweden: PhD, bird society PDF Tisk Email
The evolution of sex and society
It is now widely established that selection on sexual behaviour has
profound effects on the evolutionary transitions to cooperative societies
in which individuals forego the pursuit of selfish reproduction to
help others.
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Amsterdam, The Netherlands: PhD, mite-plant interaction PDF Tisk Email

PhD candidate in Evolutionary Biology: Amsterdam, Netherlands

We have a PhD position available to study the ecogenomics of host race formation in spider mites. Spider mites are important crop pests with a remarkable evolutionary potential to adapt to a vast array of different host plants, including more than 1000 different plant species.

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