Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Cardiff, UK: Postdoc on fish biology, disease and bioinformatics PDF Tisk Email
A position is available for a Research Associate (Postdoc) to conduct
research on fish biology, disease and bioinformatics, in the topic:
Minimising the Impacts of Intensive Aquaculture in the face of Climate
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Stockholm, Sweden: Associate Professor in Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecology PDF Tisk Email
Associate Professor in Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecology at the Department 
of Zoology Stockholm University.
Reference number SU FV-3325-14. Deadline for application: February 16, 
Swedish “universitetslektor”; tenured position approximately equivalent 
to Senior Lecturer (UK) or Associate Professor (US).
The department consists of five divisions: Ecology, Ethology, Functional 
Morphology, Population Genetics, and Systematics and Evolution.
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Roscoff, France: Postdoc in evolutionary biology PDF Tisk Email
Kelp life history evolution and selection for aquaculture.*
A two year postdoctoral research position is available immediately at 
the Roscoff Marine Laboratory, UMI "Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of 
Algae" in France (http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/umi-3614.html). The aim of 
the project is to use a combination of crossing experiments and genetic 
analyses in order to improve our basic knowledge of life history traits 
evolution in brown algae and to implement kelp selection for 
aquaculture. This position is funded in the context of the IDEALG 
project (http://www.idealg.ueb.eu/).
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Tuebingen: PhD scholarships, IMPRS PDF Tisk Email
PhD scholarships at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS)

€œFrom Molecules to Organisms

Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany
The special feature of our 3-year PhD program is its emphasis on interdisciplinary interactions.
We want to train the next generation of scientists to study complex biological processes that cannot
be adequately understood within the limits of a single discipline.
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Lund, Sweden: Postdoc, mol ecol in lizards PDF Tisk Email
Postdoc position in Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Lund University,
Research Topic: Sexual Selection and Introgression in Lizards
Gene transfer between species or sub-species via hybridization is
increasingly recognized as an important source of diversification and
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