Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Nykabing Mors, Denmark: Research Scientist, shellfish ecology PDF Tisk Email

Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist in Shellfish Ecology and Production: Nykabing Mors, Denmark

Applications are invited for a position as Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist targeting research, public sector consultancy and innovation in shellfish production and fisheries. The position is affiliated with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) with work location at the Danish Shellfish Centre (DSC, Nykabing Mors, Denmark).

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Lund, Sweden: Two postdoc scholarships in evol biol PDF Tisk Email
2 Post doc scholarships in Evolutionary Biology
Placement: Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden
Ref No: V 2014/2299
Duration: 24 months
Starting time: April 1 2015 or later following agreement
Last day for applying: January 31 2015
Research Area
Evolutionary biology is in a vibrant phase where data from ecology,
molecular and developmental biology are coming together to shape our
understanding of how organisms evolve. These two postdoctoral scholarships
are intended to provide the opportunity to develop an independent research
project in organismal evolutionary biology within a highly creative and
supportive environment. The successful applicants will be invited to
develop their projects in collaboration with the host investigator Dr
Tobias Uller.
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Heidelberg: 6 PhD scholarships, evol novelty and adaptation PDF Tisk Email

6 PhD scholarships within the research training group “Evolutionary novelty and adaptation – from molecules to organisms”: Heidelberg, Germany

The newly founded research training group “Evolutionary novelty and adaptation – from molecules to organisms”, funded by the Baden-Württemberg Landesgraduiertenförderung Program, invites applications

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London, UK: PhD, evolution of tetrapods PDF Tisk Email
We are currently accepting applications for a fully-funded 4-year PhD
studentship on morphological evolution and modularity in tetrapods in
the Goswami lab at University College London
Further details about the lab at www.goswamilab.com
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Barcelona, Spain: Two postdoc positions, population genomics PDF Tisk Email
*Two year Postdoc opportunity in 
*Statistical and Population Genomics*
*Miguel Pérez-Enciso (*
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*Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)*
*Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain*
A two year postdoc position is available within the recently funded 
project €˜Next generation tools to exploit genome diversity in domestic 
species€™. Two research topics are possible, or a mixture of both:
1- Use of sequence data in genomic selection. We will investigate by 
simulation, but using real sequence data, what are the potential 
advantages of sequence over high density genotyping under realistic 
genetic architectures.
2- To develop a population genetics model that mimic domestication and 
breed structure in livestock. Focusing in the pig species and using 
genomewide sequence data, the goal is to adjust a population genetics 
model that can be used as neutral model to test for selection.
The PhD project wil be supervised by Miguel Pérez-Enciso (ICREA 
professor, http://www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificForm.aspx?key=255; 
http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lpl_-dcAAAAJ&hl=es), in 
cooperation with S.E. Ramos-Onsins. Recent related publications include:
        Pérez-Enciso M. et al. On genetic differentiation between
        domesticpigs and Tibetan wild boars. Nature Genetics
        (correspondence), accepted.
Nevado, N., et al. 2014. Re-sequencing studies of non-model organisms 
using closely-related reference genomes: optimal experimental designs 
and bioinformatics approaches for population genomics. Mol. Ecol. 23: 
Pérez-Enciso, M. 2014. Genomic relationships computed from either next 
generation sequence or array SNP data. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 131:85-96.
Ramírez O, et al. 2014. Genome data from a sixteenth century pig 
illuminate modern breed relationships. Heredity doi: 10.1038/hdy.2014.81
Groenen et al. 2012. Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into 
porcine demography and evolution. Nature 491:393-8.
The research will be developed in the recently built Centre for Research
in Agricultural Genomics (www.cragenomica.es), based on campus of
Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona (www.uab.es), Spain.
Annual gross salary is 29k euro, the contract is available for one year and 
extendable to an additional year. The position is available starting May 
2015 or as agreed. Candidates interested in the position should email me 
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 ) their CV and names of 
two persons who can provide references.
Miguel Perez-Enciso
ICREA professor
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)
and Facultat de Veterinaria UAB
Campus Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
E-08193 Spain
Tel: +34 935636600 ext 3346
Fax: +34 935636601

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