Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

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Sweden: Postdoc, micropollutants PDF Tisk Email

Development and application of image-processing methods for studies of behavioral effects in aquatic organisms: Ume, Sweden

Position description

Natural aquatic systems are under pressure from micropollutants worldwide including widely used industrial chemicals, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Identifying the mechanisms through which such contamination may affect living organisms and ecosystems are crucial for sound environmental management.

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Zurich, Switzerland: Acad. Fellow, Evolution in Action PDF Tisk Email
University of Zurich -- Switzerland -- URPP "Evolution in Action"
Academic Fellow Position (4 years)
About the URPP Evolution in Action
The University Research Priority Program (URPP) "Evolution in Action:
From Genomes to Ecosystems" invites applications for an Academic Fellow
position. Evolutionary biology is a core area of biology and understanding
the underlying mechanisms is of crucial importance for both basic and
applied aspects of biology and medicine.
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Copenhagen, Denmark: Two PhD pos., host-pathogen interactions PDF Tisk Email
wo PhD scholarships in host-pathogen interactions and insect
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science at
the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) is offering two PhD scholarships in
host-pathogen interactions, one commencing on the 1st of April, and the
other on the 1st of May 2015. The application deadline for both positions
is the 1st of January 2015.
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Wageningen, The Netherlands: MSc, bird mate preference PDF Tisk Email
MSc thesis opportunity
Behavioural Ecology group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Mate preference in great tits - a matter of taste?
We are looking for MSc students to work on an exciting project testing
birds for mate preferences in winter (experiments), and studying
reproductive investment in nesting great tits in the spring (fieldwork).
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Plön, MPI: Postdoc and PhD, genomics of migration PDF Tisk Email
My group combines several biological disciplines including behavioural
observation, evolutionary genomics, molecular ecology, and bioinformatics,
and utilises emergent technologies to identify the genetic basis of
migratory traits.

Here we focus on identifying the genes and signaling pathways behind
the components shaping the migratory phenotype in the blackcap, a
well characterised migratory songbird species. We will complement the
sequencing approach with gene expression profiling and characterisation of
chromatin modification to investigate the extent of phenotypic variation
manifested by expression differences, either through slight genetic
differences or epigenetic processes.
The key focus of this project is to understand: Which genes harbour
coding variation with relevant consequences for migratory traits, and
which signalling cascades are involved in shaping the migratory phenotype?
Within this project that is funded through a Max Planck Research Group
Grant, I am offering a 2 year postdoctoral position with the possibility
for extension. The postdoc will assume a central position within this
project that is funded through an independent Max Planck Research Group
Grant. Project start is January 2015 and the ideal starting date for
the postdoc is April 2015.
The ideal candidate has a biological training, background in
bioinformatics with skills in programming (scripts and analysis
pipelines), next generation sequence analysis, genome assembly and
annotation. The successful candidate will be involved in fundamental
research questions on migratory genomics, and I highly appreciate a
creative postdoc who is motivated to contribute to and extends our
research agenda to understand the genetic architecture of migratory
The core dataset that will be generated includes Illumina sequencing of
the blackcap genome from populations with varying migratory phenotypes,
some of which will be used for de novo genome assembly. The expected
output of the postdoc is to contribute to the genome assembly and to
compare the genomic makeup and underlying signaling pathways of different
populations with various migratory phenotypes.
We offer an English speaking and ambitious working environment at the Max
Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany. Cutting edge
infrastructure is available at all levels, including high-performance
computer clusters and next-generation sequencing core facility. The
Institutes main fields of work include evolutionary ecology (Prof. Dr. M.
Milinski), evolutionary genetics (Prof. Dr. D. Tautz) and evolutionary
theory (Prof. Dr.  A. Traulsen) and hosts a number of research groups
providing ample opportunities for collaborations and interactions. The
MPI in Plön further collaborates with the nearby Christian Albrechts
University of Kiel in a joint International Max Planck Research
School that attracts PhD students from abroad which contributes to a
multicultural working atmosphere.
The Max Planck Society is committed to also employing handicapped
individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck
Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they
are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
Applications should include 1) a cover letter outlining your motivation
to work on this project as well as relevant experience, 2) a detailed
curriculum vitae and copies of certificates, and 3) the contact details
of three academic referees. Please send the above as a single .pdf file
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Review of applications will start on January 1st 2015, but candidates
will be considered until the position is filled. For more information,
feel free to contact me!
Miriam Liedvogel

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Max Planck Research Group Behavioural Genomics
Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology
August-Thienemann-Straße 2
24306 Plön, Germany
Miriam Liedvogel <
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