Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Berlin: Postdoc, ecol-epidemiol modelling PDF Tisk Email
WHAT: Postdoctoral position in Ecological-Epidemiological Modelling
WHERE: at IZW in Berlin, Germany, for 2 years, with regular visits to CEFE/CNRS in Montpellier, France.
For WHOM: Ecological-epidemiological modeller; computational biologist
SUBJECT:  evolutionary ecology, ecology of infectious diseases, epidemiology
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Versoix, Switzerland: Postdoc, plankton ecology PDF Tisk Email

Post-doc in plankton ecology: Versoix, Switzerland

A 2 year postdoc position is available at Institute FA Forel at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. The research will be carried out within the EU COST Action NETLAKLE in close collaboration with Eawag (Dr Francesco Pomati) in Switzerland and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (Dr Lisette de Senerpont Domis). Aim of the project is to investigate the drivers of phytoplankton community assembly in a trophic context,

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Paris, France: Postdoc, ecosystem modelling PDF Tisk Email

Postdoctoral position “Modelling trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services”: Paris, France

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA http://www.inra.fr/en/Scientists-Students). The successful candidate will be part of an interdisciplinary research project.

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Koblenz-Landau: PhD, Entomologie, Weinbau PDF Tisk Email

Promotionsstelle Entomologie Weinbau

Universität Koblenz-Landau

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Zurich, Switzerland: PhD, behaviour of zooplankton PDF Tisk Email

PhD position "Tracking zooplankton in turbulent flow": Zurich, Switzerland

At the Chair of Environmental Fluid Mechanics (EFM), Institute of Environmental Engineering, the newly established group of Environmental Fluid Mechanics focuses on organism-flow interactions and particle transport in environmental flows. A PhD student position is available in the frame of an ETH-funded research project “Tracking zooplankton in turbulent flow".

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