Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Aarhus, Denmark: Postdoc in evolution and mechanisms of genetic recombination PDF Tisk Email
A post doc position is available to work in the research group of
Kasper Munch at the Bioinformatics Research Centre at Aarhus University
on the evolution and genomic control of recombination rate. The
position is funded by the Danish National Research Council for
Independent Research.
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Birmingham, UK: Postdoc in diversification patterns of fossil vertebrates PDF Tisk Email
The successful applicant will be employed as part of a European Research
Council-funded team focused on testing the spatial and temporal patterns
and abiotic and biotic drivers of the diversification of terrestrial
tetrapods over the last 370 million years.
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Liverpool, UK: Postdoc to study the genetic and ecological drivers of immunological variation PDF Tisk Email
A 4yr+ post-doc is available in Steve Paterson's group in the University
of Liverpool to use wild rodents as a model to study the genetic and
ecological drivers of immunological variation in natural populations, and
the consequences of this variation for susceptibility and tolerance to
infectious disease. Closing date is 29th July. Further details and
applications through the Liverpool site below: 
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Lausanne, Switzerland: PhD in life-history and theoretical social evolution. PDF Tisk Email
PhD: Lausanne. Life-history. Theoretical social evolution.
A 5-year Phd position is available in Human
Evolution/Cooperation/Life-history/Economics at Department of Ecology
and Evolution of the University of Lausanne.
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Montpellier, France: Postdoc in Phylogeography and Population Genetics PDF Tisk Email
The application of molecular genetic data in fields such as population
genetics, phylogeography, and evolutionary biology have improved abilities
to make inferences regarding evolution of invasiveness. These approaches
stand to aid materially in the development of effective management
strategies such as biological control and sustainable science-based
policies. Continued advancements in the statistical analysis of genetic
data promise to overcome some existing limitations of current approaches.
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