Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Bielefeld: Postdoc in Pinniped population genomics PDF Tisk Email
With Dr Joe Hoffman (Bielefeld University, Germany), Prof Oliver Kruger (Bielefeld University,
Germany), and Dr Jochen Wolf (Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala,
A two-year postdoctoral researcher position is available to work in the
groups of Joe Hoffman at Bielefeld University in Germany and Jochen Wolf
at the Evolutionary Biology Centre in Uppsala, Sweden.
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Turku, Finland: Postdoc in molecular mechanisms of rapid thermal adaptation in a grayling PDF Tisk Email
Post-doc position: The molecular mechanisms of rapid thermal adaptation 
in a grayling metapopulation (2016-2019)
A 3.5 year post-doctoral position, including a 25% teaching component, 
is available at the University of Turku, Finland to work in Prof. Craig 
Primmer's research group (http://users.utu.fi/primmer).
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Wilhelmshaven: Postdoc in Avian Evolutionary Ecology PDF Tisk Email

Institute of Avian Research „Vogelwarte Helgoland“ Wilhelmshaven

PostDoc position - Avian Evolutionary Ecology

Application deadline: 1.11.2015

3+2 year postdoctoral research position in Avian Evolutionary Ecology

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Wilhelmshaven: PhD in Geese Movement Ecology PDF Tisk Email

Institute of Avian Research “Vogelwarte Helgoland”, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

The Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" in Wilhelmshaven in collaboration with the Institute for Waterbird and Wetlands Research (IWWR), Verden, is looking for a PhD student to study the effects of hunting on the spatial and temporal movement patterns of resting and wintering Arctic geese

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Sheffield, UK: Postdoc in Theory of Evolutionary Computation and Population Genetics PDF Tisk Email
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield is
offering a Postdoc position on Theory of Evolutionary Computation and
Population Genetics 
A Research Assistant or Research Fellow position is available to work on
analysing the efficiency of evolutionary processes in evolutionary
algorithms and models of natural evolution. 
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