Katedra zoologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta Jihočeské univerzity

Volná místa
Bristol, UK: PhD, invertebrate biodiversity and ecosystem function PDF Tisk Email

Does the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function change during conversion of tropical rainforest to oil palm plantation?

Supervisor: Dr Farnon Ellwood. All enquiries welcome:  Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript


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Bergen, Norway: One postdoc and two PhD positions, fish ecology PDF Tisk Email

One postdoctoral and two PhD research fellow positions are available at the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Application deadline for all three positions: 
June 19th 2015

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Barcelona, Spain: PhD, comparative genomics in mammals PDF Tisk Email
PhD position in Comparative Genomics at the Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona (Spain)
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to work on a genomic
comparative project.
Our group work chiefly in the fields of comparative genomics and
evolution, in particular, we are interested in the mechanisms that are
driving karyotype evolution and genomic architecture in mammals.
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České Budějovice, i2lResearch Ltd. : Projektový vedoucí PDF Tisk Email

Nabídka volného pracovního místa. Více zde.

Goettingen: PhD, mollusc evol-devol biol PDF Tisk Email

#### PhD position for evolutionary-developmental biology of
biomineralisation ####

A PhD-position is available to work with Professor Daniel J. Jackson in
the Department of Geobiology, University of Göttingen, Germany.

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